Block B - Unit 5 at 51 Lenana Road Kilimani
Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 17.00 pm

MSK Gala 2017

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  • Posted by: MSK Kenya


How to Enter

The MSK Gala Awards aims to award marketing excellence in Kenya,

therefore setting standards in the marketing industry. With 15 categories both corporate and individual there is something for everyone this year.

Who can enter?

Entries can be submitted by owners of a brand or company or their marketing agencies. In the case of agencies submitting, approval from marketing director must be gained. Agencies must provide name, contact and email address for verification. Your membership must be up to date to enter the awards.


All entries will be submitted online therefore no paper entries will be required. Entry should take the form of a case study and include a 1 page executive summary. Case Study should be a maximum of 3 pages. You are advised to use creative images to illustrate your paper may include but not limited to charts, smart art, creative art etc. A one page is given to illustrate your organizational summary and a front cover page with organization name, agency name, contact person information and category in which you are submitting.
All submissions should be submitted to

in PDF, font Calibri, font size 12, PDF’s should not exceed 13MB’s.
Entrants are allowed to attach supporting Power Point presentation not more than 10 slides with links to supporting videos.
Executive summary should cover;

  • Objective
  • Strategy and scale of task
  • Key Results

Entrants are only allowed to submit in 3 categories per brand. A brand submitted in more than 3 categories will be disqualified.
Winning case studies will be shared with members as a benchmark of marketing excellence. If your paper contains sensitive information clearly state and indicate which information should not be shared.


For further information please call the team on 0792001391 or email

Entry Fee

Corporates and Agencies: Kshs 5,000 per entry.

Important to Note

  • Submissions close on 16th October 2017
  • Submission: Front Cover page; organization name, agency name, contact person details, and category. 1 page organizational summary and executive summary, 3 page case study on campaign.
  • Entry: Maximum of 3 categories per brand.
  • Authorization: Marketing Director or equivalent.
  • Winning case studies will be published as a benchmark of marketing excellence.
  • All entries must be for campaigns that run in the past 12 months up to October 2017.
Author: MSK Kenya

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