Block B - Unit 5 at 51 Lenana Road Kilimani
Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 17.00 pm



MSK has launched the call for entries for the 2022 Gala Awards. The MSK Awards is a recognition of real excellence in marketing and aims to celebrate work that’s born in companies with cultures where innovation and creativity thrive to grow business.

This year, the annual Gala and awards will feature diverse entries with the inclusion of sector-specific awards as well as income-based categories to ensure that the event is holistic – incorporating all players within the marketing sphere.

Ideally, the Awards ceremony will focus on 6 sectors that influence the functionality of any economy: Academia, Manufacturing, Technology, Finance, Health, and Hospitality. 



Deadline for Entry: 11th November, 2022

Submission Fee: Ksh 10,000 per Entry

For more info:


MPESA Paybill Number: 712481

MPESA A/C No: Your Name/Organization


Bank: Stanbic, Branch – Chiromo

A/C Number: 0100000106814

A/C Name: Marketing Society of Kenya


How you communicate your brand and position it in the market is core to business success, we will recognise those brands who can:

  1. Showcase excellent marketing strategies that bridged the gap between the brand and the consumer,
  2. Showcasing how they understood and connected with consumer
  3. Demonstrate the 360 – customer experience using different mediums (platforms)
  1. Describe the genesis of the nominated campaign: the reasons it was initiated, the challenges it was created to address, the problems it was developed to solve.
  2. Describe the development of the campaign: the planning process, the goal setting, the creative and media development, the scheduling
  3. Outline the activities and concrete results of this campaign, with timelines.
  4. Reference any attachments of supporting materials and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in the above.

This will focus on campaigns conducted to introduce a new product or service to the marketplace. Judges will evaluate:

  1. New products or services launched with clear market analysis in response to consumer and/or market needs
  2. Strategies deployed and executed:
    • Innovation Impact
    • Consumer Need met
    • Address the challenge

The judges will evaluate:

  1. Content development plan
  2. Content Distribution Strategy (Channels/Mediums)
  3. Success of the strategy (quantifiable: subscriber and/or engagement)
  4. Measurable ROI
  5. Wins

The Judges will evaluate:

  1. Strategy to reach out to business audiences outlining marketing objectives and income
  2. Engagement strategy and execution (memorable, engaging experiences, and unique connections) with their brands
  3. Content-driven campaign to accomplish the B2B marketing objectives

The Judges will evaluate:

  1. Customer engagement and experience strategy (outlining marketing objectives and outcome)
  2. Achievement of objectives and outcomes
  3. Content development with clear customer feedback

Judges will evaluate:

  1. Influencer specific campaigns, that had impact on brand visibility
  2. Selection of influencers (Followers, impact)

This category will recognise and reward non profit organization, charity or Government led campaigns that are focussed on cause related marketing and not solely on revenue driven results. Judges will evaluate:

  1. Impact of the campaign (Engagement)
  2. Content development (message and selection of medium)

This will reward the institutions:

  1. That have registered the most number of students under the MSK Mentorship program
  2. That can demonstrate a vibrant marketing club through activities and participation in MSK events
  • Based on the presentation of case studies

The Best use of media – demonstrate innovation in the use of different media

  1. Print
  2. Radio
  3. TV OOH
  4. Digital

The Best use of media – demonstrate innovation in the use of different media

● Accessibility (to marketing agencies)
● Affordability
● Impact

Celebrate the gains and strides of a marketing profession, with the following: It shall recognize a woman/man that has the following qualifications:

● Over 20 years in the marketing sector
● Has demonstrated having overcome particular obstacles to be successful
● Demonstrate growth: economically/leadership
● Has been recognized by other bodies/Governments: OGH/OBS
● Demonstrated having inculcated strategies to promote the growth of the marketing sector
● Companies shall be able to nominate their heads
● A person can nominate themselves
● Nominations made by MSK Board

Companies and agencies will nominate an individual, who they can demonstrate to have an understanding of marketing planning from strategy development to implementation, including:

1. Knowledge and application of marketing planning approaches
2. Developing implementation plans
3. Demonstrate ability to identify and deploy different marketing channels
4. Delivering stand-out innovation and creative effectiveness.
5. Approaches to tracking and monitoring implementation

The company/agency should be able to demonstrate creativity and innovation, as well as the strategy and execution of a PR campaign, as well as provide E evidence impact on the organizations’ external reputation

Demonstrate a well thought out strategy, a clear understanding and appropriate use of digital channel(s) to communicate with target audiences while driving core campaign and business objectives.

Also provide evidence how the successful execution delivered an increased level of awareness, as well as how ROI was measured and how the campaign and/or business goals were achieved or exceeded.

1. Eligibility

a)  Must be a member in good standing of MSK

b)  The award will be presented to an individual, group of individuals’ representative of the organization/Brand owner

2. Entry Requirements

a)   Nominations may be made by the organizations’/Brand owner’s Marketing department or senior management or Advertising/Creative/PR agency on express instructions from the organization/Brand Owner.

b)  Entries must be dated and have been executed or implemented during the calendar year October 2021 – September 2022.

Substantial revisions of previous award-winning entries may be submitted for consideration each year.

3. Award Process

The MSK adjudication committee screens all the entries received, adjudicates over all of them, nominates one or more and presents the name(s) of the ultimate recipient of the award in each category.

Award Presentation
  1. The MSK awards will be presented during the MSK annual Awards Gala night Dinner 2022.
  2. Winners will be feted with a trophy and a certificate to be issued by MSK in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
  3. Creative Agencies/ Individuals/Departments behind the winning campaigns will also be recognized and awarded a trophy and certificate.
  4. The winning entries will be featured in the MSK’s publication (Sokoni) special pullout and any other supporting Media.

4. Judging Criteria

Judges will assign points based on the:

  1. Quality of the submission/supporting materials provided/clarity of activity.
  2. Clarity of Insights, objectives, innovation, demonstration of strategy, execution, creativity and achieved ROI.
  3. Responsiveness to the specified target audience.
  4. Overall rating.

The success of a campaign presented depends not on the magnitude of the activity or item, but rather on the marketing creativity, innovation and utilization of marketing best practice.

The MSK Judging committee and the MSK council reserve the right to issue any award in any category if a worthy brand/brand owner/candidate is not identified during the entire judging process.

Winning case studies will be shared with members as a benchmark of marketing excellence. If your submission contains sensitive information clearly state and indicate which part or information MUST not be shared.