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Marketing Society of Kenya. > News > Blog > AFRICAN DIGITAL SUMMIT 2018


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  • Posted by: MSK Kenya

The African Digital Summit 2018 is the Largest Digital Gathering for Advertisers, Marketers, Publishers, Digital Professionals, Medias & Ad Agencies in Africa.  It is a two-day event with an audience of about 1300 who meet in Casablanca- Morocco. The goal of the event is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are idea-focused on the Digital subjects, to foster learning, inspiration, and wonder and provoke conversations that matter.

Last year the event had more than 1300 participants from Morocco, Tunisia, Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, USA, France, UAE, Turkey, Switzerland, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameron, Denmark, Ireland… representing over 500 different organizations and almost as much African and international brands, the Summit was able to gather Officials, Advertisers, Marketers, Digital Professionals, Media and Communication Agencies. The fourth edition of the African Digital Summit happened on 22nd/23rd February 2018 in Casablanca, Morocco and we were honored to be invited for the major event, represented by our very own CEO – Joel Karubiu who was also a Keynote speaker. Mr. Joel Karubiu presented on the topic:


Humanising is the practice of giving insights into your normal working life, showing you care about your community and the people who you engage with, all without losing your credibility or over-sharing. Here are a few tips on ways you can humanize your brands using social media:

Imagine your Brand as a fictional character; even though a company’s content may be interesting and educational, what really gets people to become engaged is personality. Personality is something that society can relate to and that is why you should develop a unique voice for your brand.

Rely less on scheduled content done in advance: rely more on your abilities to react to things at the moment—you’ll naturally come across as more human, and your users will notice the difference. The more you engage with your users, the more likely they’ll be to see you as a trustworthy, personal entity. More so when you create a ‘two way’ communication opportunities where consumers can contribute and take part

Engage more in conversations: demonstrate that as a brand, you enjoy humour just like everyone else, and that you aren’t afraid to set aside the formal professionalism of your brand for just a moment to experience a human moment. You could encourage your corporate leaders and top salespeople to start engaging more users in conversation on social media, or ask them to syndicate and redistribute content posted by the corporate brand

Show a Sense of Humour: Speak to your customers in the same way you would speak to friends. Create an offline experience that’s as close as possible to the online experience. Brand humanization means opening up your company and culture, and inviting customers in.

Use personal brands with your corporate brand: adding a poster’s name to your social updates is an easy way to put a human face to your brand. The idea is to give your audience a clear picture of the person they’re talking to, making the interaction more personal.

More about the summit…

Author: MSK Kenya

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