Block B - Unit 5 at 51 Lenana Road Kilimani
Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 17.00 pm


  • Comments: 4
  • Posted by: MSK Kenya

On 9th April 2019, MSK held its Annual General Meeting and elected a new board to serve the society for the period 2019 – 2021. The board has hit the ground running under the stewardship of the Chairman Pheodor Njoroge and some initiatives are already underway.

During the first board meeting held on the 29th April 2019, the board approved the following resolutions as part of the member engagement strategy:

  1. Co-Option of MSK Members into working committees.
  2. MSK leveraging on partnerships on services core to the delivery.

Below is a description of the same

  1. Co-Option of MSK members to working Committees

The current composition of the MSK board in delivering of its mandate is through working committees, which assist the secretariat in policy development, strategy development and overseeing the implementation of the strategic plan.

The committees in place are:

  • Membership & Engagement Committee
    • The key mandate is to grow membership, value to members & refresh our Marketing Awards & create forums to drive quality of marketing and drive the image of MSK externally
  • Charter Committee
    • Key Mandate is landing a Charter under the law to professionalize the practice
  • Learning and Development Committee
    • The key mandate is to refresh the curriculum to build capability for marketers in institutions offering marketing and to members
  • Audit Committee
    • The key mandate is to ensure that the society books are above par
  • Student National Council
    • The key mandate is to deliver student membership growth across the country
  • Disciplinary Committee (Adhoc)
    • On a need basis, the committee will review disciplinary cases brought forward by members (Not open for application)


In an endeavour to ensure inclusivity and diversity of our members, we, therefore, seek fully paid up MSK members who are willing to offer specific skill sets that are beneficial to the various committees to apply. We shall be co-opting three (3) non-board members into each committee and one (1) student representative.

If you are interested and willing to serve, please write officially to the CEO / Board Secretary on with the following

  • Email Header – Willingness to serve on MSK working Committees
  • A brief introduction and committee you feel suited to serve in (quote your MSK Membership number)
  • A referee who must also be a fully paid up MSK member
  • Attach your current CV

Eligibility of co-opted members

  • Must be a fully paid up MSK member
  • Have a reference from a fully paid up MSK member
  • Available for bi-monthly committee meetings
  • Expert in selected choice of committee


  1. The offering of services to MSK on partnership basis

MSK’s resolve to enhance its partnership and collaboration efforts is key to the growth of the society and ensure relevance and member engagement is at the heart of its existence.

The Board of MSK recognizes the value of partnerships and collaborations and would like to engage its membership on growing its properties and brand profile as a market regulator.

We, therefore, seek to engage partners in the following key areas of the society:

  1. TV partners – Airing of MSK specific content and events coverage
  2. Out of Home Partners (OOH) – Placement of MSK Content
  3. Radio Partners – Airing of MSK content and knowledge transfer
  4. Experiential Partners – Support of MSK events and member engagement sessions
  5. Creative Agencies – Support for the Gala Awards, MSK Brand Profile, Digital and Social Media
  6. Media Monitoring Partners – Measurement of MSK engagement
  7. Public Relations – Position MSK externally as relevant on key issues affecting Marketing in the country
  8. Hospitality Partners – Venue support for MSK events and executive member forums
  9. Research Partners – To assist in the collection of data and thought leadership development

We invite interested partners to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to the attention of CEO / Board Secretary for further discussion in the spirit of creating mutual benefits and value for both parties.

Author: MSK Kenya

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    Research Partners – To assist in the collection of data and thought leadership development

  • Abdi Hassan

    Highly dignified board professionals. Do ur best for the Society at hand. we mean msk

  • Nelson Lutta


    With regard to you post of 14th May, calling for expressions of interest for different partners under the post titled MSK MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT, you did not provide contact information for people to contact you on the same. Kindly share the same.


    Are university marketing groups considered for inclusivity and active participation in the MSK #Membership growth