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Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 17.00 pm
Marketing Society of Kenya. > MSK Academy > Diploma in Marketing Syllabus

MSK Academic Diploma in Marketing Syllabus

  • Marketing Planning and Principles
  • Marketing Research and Intelligence
  • Management: Marketing Perspective
  • Marketing Communications
  • To impart management and planning skills and knowledge among readers.
  • To enable understanding of planning concept and process.
  • To appreciate the relevance of planning function in business organizations.
  1. The Marketing Analysis
    • Marketing and Social Responsibility
    • Sales-led, Marketing-led and Product-led firms
    • Internal Marketing
  2. The Marketing Plan
    • Meaning of a marketing plan
    • Requirements for effective planning
    • Circumstances behind planning
  3. The Marketing Planning Process
    • Meaning of Marketing Process
    • The Situation Analysis
    • Micro and Macro-environmental Analysis
    • SWOT analysis
    • Internal analysis
    • Determination of Marketing Objectives
    • Examples of Marketing Objectives
    • Development of SMART – objectives
    • Role of Marketing Objectives in an organization
    • Development of Marketing Strategies and Tactics
    • Segmentation Strategies
    • Market Growth Strategies eg Agor Ansoffs growth vector model etc
    • Competitive Strategies
    • The Marketing Mix Issues
    • Product Decisions
    • Price Decisions
    • Promotion Decisions
    • Place/Distribution Decisions
    • People Decisions
    • Physical Facilities
    • Process Management
    • Determination of Marketing Budgets
    • Types of marketing budgets
    • Methods of budgeting
    • Role of marketing budgets
    • Evaluation of the Marketing Planning Process
    • Impact of Information Technology on the Marketing Planning Process
  4. Specific Marketing Approaches
    • Business to Consumer Marketing (B2C)
    • Business to Business Marketing (B2B)
    • Not-for Profit Marketing
    • International Marketing
  • To promote students’ understanding of the importance of an integrated management information system in supporting marketing decisions
  • To promote development and understanding of appropriate marketing information system (MKIS) structures by applying basic concepts
  • To explore the importance of forecasting in the planning and budgetary process and to equip students with the requisite forecasting methods and tools
  • To develop knowledge and understanding of marketing research tools and methods and to promote application of marketing research information in solving marketing problems.
  • To promote understanding of the role of information and communication technology in generating, storing, retrieving and communicating management information for marketing decision making
  1. Management Information Systems
    • Basic concepts: Data and information
    • Importance of information in supporting marketing decisions
    • Component parts of management information systems (MIS)
    • Improvements in MIS and MKIS
  2. Information and Communication technology
    • Use of technology in data acquisition, processing, analysis and evaluation
    • Technology supporting marketing decisions
    • Use of technology in improving the effectiveness of marketing processes
    • ICT’s role in influencing and changing customer relationships
    • Database management
    • Technological developments
  3. Marketing Research Process
    • Marketing research and market research
    • Marketing research and marketing intelligence
    • Nature and scope of marketing research
    • Use of consultants versus in-house research
    • Primary and secondary data sources
    • Research approaches: survey, experimentation, and observation
    • Contact methods: personal interview, telephone interview and postal questionnaire
    • Sampling concepts and designs
    • Specific marketing research techniques: group discussions, focus groups, shopping mail interview, and consumer panels
    • Application of marketing research in various areas of marketing
    • Developing new products or services
    • Improving existing products or services
    • Developing new or existing markets
    • Establishing or improving customer relationships
    • Improving customer service
    • Developing channels of distribution
    • Making pricing decisions
    • Improving promotional effectiveness
    • Data Analysis
    • Analysing research needs
    • Interpreting statistical information
    • Hypothesis testing
    • The chin squared test
    • Correlation and regression
    • Report Writing and Presentation
    • Research reports
    • Presenting findings
    • Oral presentation
  • To appreciate the concept of management
  • To relate management theory and practice to marketing activities
  • To understand the changing roles and philosophies of management
  • To appreciate the impact of international environment on management
  1. Evolution of Management
    • Meaning of the term management
    • Why study management
    • Theories of management
    • Hierarchy of management
    • Skills and characteristics of a good manager
    • Activities of a manager
    • Roles of a manager (By Mintzberg)
  2. The role of Communication in Management
    • The communication process
    • The barriers and how to overcome barriers to communication
    • How a manager can improve communication skills of employees
    • Management of meeting and committees
  3. Group Dynamics
    • The meaning of the term “Group”
    • Classification of groups
    • Group Development
    • Functions of a group
    • How to create an effective group
    • Managing various groups in an organization
  4. Motivation
    • Meaning and process of motivation
    • Theories of motivation
    • Importance of motivation
    • Staff Appraisals
  5. Staff training and development
    • The meaning of staff training
    • Determination of training needs
    • Designing and developing training programmes for employees
    • Benefits of staff training and development
  6. Time Management
    • Time as a resource
    • How to ensure good time management
    • Things that hinder good time management
    • Delegation
    • Importance of good time management
  7. Management of change
    • The meaning of the term change
    • Levels of change
    • The change process
    • Forces of change
    • Why employees resist change
    • How a manager can overcome resistance to change
    • Importance of change
  8. Recruitment and selection
    • The meaning of the terms: Recruitment and Selection
    • The recruitment process
    • The selection process
    • The induction programme
  9. Managing across boundaries
    • Social-cultural influences
    • Political – legal influences
    • Technological legal influences
    • Economic influences
  10. Project Management
    • Meaning of project management and its scope
    • The Project Team
    • The Project Manager
    • The Project Life Cycle
    • The Project Tools
    • The Project Evaluation Techniques
  • To appreciate the role of marketing communication in brand building and development
  • To understand the process of communicating with publics
  • To develop and evaluate different promotional campaigns
  1. Introduction to marketing communications
    • Meaning of the term ‘communication’
    • The communication process
    • Barriers of communication and how to overcome these barriers
    • Meaning of marketing communication
    • Justification for marketing communications
  2. Integrated marketing communications
    • The meaning of integrated marketing communications
    • Reasons behind integrated marketing communications
    • Integrated marketing communication planning process
    • Benefits of integrated marketing communication
  3. Marketing communication process
    • Appreciation of the prevailing and future environment conditions
    • Marketing communication objectives
    • Segmentation process
    • Determination of promotional strategies and tactics
    • Determination of promotional budget
    • Evaluating the outcomes of marketing communications strategies
  4. Overview of different types of marketing communications campaigns
    • Consumer markets
    • Business to business markets
    • Services organizations
    • Public Vs private organizations
    • Non-profit making organizations
  5. The External Advertising Agency
    • Agency organizations
    • Agency Services
    • Agency Briefing
    • Agency Relationships
  6. Marketing Communication Models
    • Simple models
    • Complex models
  7. International Marketing Communications
    • Political
    • Legal Impact
    • Socio-cultural impact
    • Adaptation Vs Standardization

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