Block B - Unit 5 at 51 Lenana Road Kilimani
Nairobi, Kenya
Mon - Fri 8.30 am - 17.00 pm
Marketing Society of Kenya. > MSK Academy > Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing


  • Effective Marketing Management
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Planning and Strategy
  • Marketing Project
OBJECTIVES To provide the students with the knowledge and understanding, skills and techniques to manage the marketing activities. COURSE CONTENT
  1. Group Dynamics
    • Meaning of group and various forms of teams
    • Team formation
    • Effective Vs ineffective teams
    • Managing teams in an organization
    • Group decision making
  2. Motivation
    • Definition of motivation
    • Theories of motivation
    • Staff training and development
    • Staff appraisal
    • Relevance of staff motivation
  3. Managing Change
    • Meaning of change
    • Reasons for change
    • The change process
    • Why people resist change
    • How a manager can minimise resistance to change
    • How effective change works
    • Importance of change
    • Internal marketing and change
  4. Strategy implementation
    • Shareholder value analysis
    • Value drivers in business
    • Branding strategy
  5. Business Ethics
    • Definition of business ethics
    • Ethics and the organization
    • Corporate social responsibility program
    • Corporate governance
  6. Promotion strategy
    • Promotional mix
    • Promotional planning process (i.e. objectives setting, strategy determination and evaluation)
    • Cross border marketing communications
  7. Service Quality and Management
    • Marketing of services
    • Unique characteristics of services marketing
    • The marketing mix of services
    • Delivery of service quality
    • Total quality management
    • Business process re-engineering
    • Bench marking
  8. Project management
    • Meaning of a project and its characteristics
    • The project life cycle
    • The role of the project manager
    • Project planning
    • Project planning tools
    • Project management techniques, innovating organizational climate
  9. Marketing control and evaluation
    • Preliminary control measures
    • Methods of evaluation and measurement
    • Financial and non-financial measures
  10. Marketing control and evaluation
    • Preliminary control measures
    • Methods of evaluation and measurement
    • Financial and non-financial measures
  • To enable students to develop a thorough understanding of international marketing theory and key concepts.
  • To enable student acquire expertise in developing marketing strategies for countries other than their own.
  • To appreciate the complexities of international and global marketing in a mix of economies
  • To develop students appreciation of strategies and plans for a mix of international and global economies.
  • To develop an understanding of the implications for implementation, monitoring and control of the international marketing planning process.
  1. Introduction to International marketing
    • The development of international trade
    • The environment of international trade
    • Competing on the global market place
    • Using marketing research to identify opportunities, similarities and differences
    • Marketing Research Agency selection for international marketing
    • Government initiatives and the importance of cross-cultural analysis.
  2. International Strategic Planning
    • Going international: Planning for international marketing
    • Market entry methods
    • The determination of market entry choices, selection and decision and the implications for strategy and sources of global finance to support entry strategies.
    • The determination of market entry choices, selection and decision and the implication for strategy.
    • Sources of global finance to support entry strategies.
    • Organizing for international marketing
  3. International product strategy
    • The basic product and its attributes
    • Product attributes in the international market
    • New product development
    • Foreign market choice: matching products to the markets
  4. International pricing strategy
      • Determining pricing strategies for international markets:
      • Skimming and penetration pricing currency considerations in exporting and international marketing.
      • Price escalation in the value chain, the futures market, hedging/forward buying, tendering and bartering.
      • The meaning and specifics of incoterms and specific pricing methods.
    • Cultural considerations
    • Legal considerations
    • Media considerations
    • The international promotion mix
    • Planning the campaign and choosing an Agency
  5. International distribution strategy
    • How to enter foreign markets
    • Indirect exporting
    • Direct exporting
    • Foreign Manufacturing
    • Marketing through distributors in foreign markets
    • Marketing through foreign distribution channels
    • Logistics for international marketing
    • Marketing services overseas
    • The selection of a distribution and logistics strategy.
  6. Control issues in the international marketing
    • Implementing international/global marketing strategy across different countries and the strategic implications.
    • Establishing criteria for control and evaluation of marketing and other forms of business functions including: self-assessment, benchmarking, best practice, and the balanced scorecard
  7. The Future of International Marketing
    • The consequences of a more ethical responsibility approach including green and environmental issues.
    • Technology in the global market
    • Environmental factors affecting global competition
    • The strategic challenges of the 21st century
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the unit is to enable students to develop a sound theoretical and practical understanding of marketing planning and control. The objectives are to:
  • Enable students to understand the theoretical concepts, techniques and models that underpin the marketing planning process./li>
  • Build practical skills associated with the management of the planning process.
  • Develop an understanding of the barriers that exist to effective implementation strategy.
  • Appreciate the need to tailor marketing plans and process to allow for the specific sector and situational factors that apply to any given organization.
  • Develop an awareness of the techniques that underpin innovation and creativity in organizations.
  1. Introduction to Market planning
    • Understanding marketing planning
    • Role of marketing in market-led strategic management
    • The basis of planning and control
    • The nature of strategic, tactical and contingency planning.
  2. Techniques for analysis and strategy development
    • Techniques for developing a future orientation
    • Trend extrapolation
    • Models of strategic management
    • Forecasting
    • Scenario planning
    • Market sensing – examines the way in which managers develop new ways of looking at the outside world, in order to improve the way they develop market strategies and deliver marketing program.
    • GAP – analysis
  3. International product strategy
    • The basic product and its attributes
    • Product attributes in the international market
    • New product development
    • Foreign market choice: matching products to the markets
  4. Strategy formulation and selection
    • The strategic intent
    • Generic strategies
    • Competitive positions and strategy
    • Developing a specific competitive position (i.e. sustainable competitive advantage)
    • Segmentation and targeting, and Positioning
    • Growth strategies (Agor Ansoffs)
    • Strategic wear-out
    • Methods of entry into international marketing and its strategic implications
    • Innovation and product development
  5. Strategy Implementation
    • Management of the marketing mix and extended marketing mix of a service.
    • Branding strategy
    • Building customer relations
    • Integrated marketing communications
    • Product life cycle and port folio analysis
    • Adaptation and standardization decisions
    • Corporate social responsibility activities
    • Governance
  6. Control
    • The dimensions of effective marketing and control systems.
    • Key control concepts
    • Strategic control mechanisms like; bench-marking, performance, budgetary control, the concept of balanced score card
INTRODUCTION This course unit is intended to expose trainees to the practical experience in project planning and execution whereby the trainees are expected to plan, gather, review and present marketing project report in accordance with given specifications. COURSE OBJECTIVES
  • Understand the scope and challenges involved in carrying out a given project
  • Understand the various methodologies that can be applied in data. Collection for different types of projects
  • Analyze/interpret project data and make conclusions based on the subject matter of the project
  1. Research Methodology
    • Research Methods
    • Introduction
    • Purpose of Research
    • Source of Knowledge
  2. Problem Identification
    • Statement of the problem
    • Objectives of the study
    • Importance of the study
    • Hypothesis, scope and limitation
  3. Literature Review
    • Steps in carrying out literature review sources of literature
  4. Research Methodology
    • Research Design
    • Populations and samples
    • Data Collection Methods
  5. Data Analysis
    • Features of good table.
    • Frequency distribution table
  6. Components of a Research Proposal
    • Project Proposal
At the end of this topic, the trainee should be able to:-
  • Describe each of the types of projects
  • Formulate Research objectives
  • Prepare a project proposal
  1. Introduction
    • Statement of the problem
    • Objectives of the study
    • Importance of the study
    • Scope and limitation
  • Literature review
  • Research Methodology
  • Research design
  • Population of the study
  • Sample unit
  • Sample techniques
  • Data collection methods
  • Primary source
  • Secondary source
  • Data Analysis
  • Presentation of data in form of tables and charts
  • The first three chapters of proposal

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